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cid_closed_directory [2024/09/28 10:50]
cid_closed_directory [2024/09/28 10:51] (current)
Line 157: Line 157:
 **Allowing full access to the Domain Users group** ​ **Allowing full access to the Domain Users group** ​
 g:domain users:f g:domain users:f
 **Adding read-only permission to the Guest user account** **Adding read-only permission to the Guest user account**
 +u:guest:r +u:guest:r
 **Removing permissions for the Guest user account** **Removing permissions for the Guest user account**
 -u:guest -u:guest
 **Allowing full access to all users and denying access to the Guests group** **Allowing full access to all users and denying access to the Guests group**
 u:​everyone:​f;​g:​guests:​d u:​everyone:​f;​g:​guests:​d
 **Userfolder mode** **Userfolder mode**
 This mode enables the homes section of Samba, which is a special type of file sharing that automatically provides a share with the same name as the user who accesses it. In this mode, the Path argument must contain the path of the parent directory where the diretories for each user are to be created. If this argument is omitted, the /home directory will be assumed by default. CID automatically creates user directories with appropriate permissions as users first access their respective shares. If disk quota is used, it will be automatically applied to each user directory. This mode enables the homes section of Samba, which is a special type of file sharing that automatically provides a share with the same name as the user who accesses it. In this mode, the Path argument must contain the path of the parent directory where the diretories for each user are to be created. If this argument is omitted, the /home directory will be assumed by default. CID automatically creates user directories with appropriate permissions as users first access their respective shares. If disk quota is used, it will be automatically applied to each user directory.
cid_closed_directory.1727513459.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/09/28 10:50 by team