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portofino [2024/06/02 19:12]
portofino [2024/06/06 12:35] (current)
team [HPLIP-GUI Install Problem]
Line 49: Line 49:
 {{ :​schermata_a_2024-06-02_18-41-06.png |}} {{ :​schermata_a_2024-06-02_18-41-06.png |}}
 {{ :​schermata_a_2024-06-02_18-42-40.png |}} {{ :​schermata_a_2024-06-02_18-42-40.png |}}
 +**We have restored the old versions of some packages, so the problem is solved**
portofino.1717348326.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/06/02 19:12 by team