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10 Basic 32/64 bit

Upgrade your 10 Basic pc to 10 Plus

In order to extend support for the 10 Basic release (32/64 bit) by another 3 additional years, we have prepared a tool and some screens that show or could show (not in all cases the questions will be the same as it depends on the customizations made during the installation) some questions that must be answered as described.

  1. Open Synaptic ed install the package upgradeufficiozero
  2. Open the main menu and select our tool upgrade_ufficiozero from System Tools
  3. Insert your superuser password when required
  4. Your system will check for proposed updates and you will have to confirm with Yes
  5. At this point the system will have to download and install over 1 GB of packages so please be patient
  6. The system will ask you to confirm the chosen keyboard layout, check that it is the same or choose your own layout
  7. The tool will ask you if you want the services to be restarted when requested and automatically, answer Yes
  8. The system will ask you whether to install a new version of the configuration file /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf you must answer No
  9. The system may ask you to install a new version of grub, here too you must reply to keep the local version installed
  10. The system may ask you to configure your grub and here you must be able to select as below or as previously installed on your PC. These screen shots are entirely indicative
  11. The system will ask you if you want to install a new version of the configuration file /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop and you must answer No
  12. When the terminal closes automatically, wait a few more seconds and then restart the system
  13. The next time you log in, don't forget to run HDD Cleaner from the main menu in the Other category

HPLIP-GUI Install Problem

Considering that the Urbino and 10 releases will end support in about seventy days, we are providing an upgrade of the 10 release and consequently we have also updated the printer repository with an updated version of hpli-gui so (not based on bullseye but on bookworm) if your system does not allow you to install the package it will be possible to force it via Synaptic.

We apologize for the inconvenience but we intend to extend the support for the 10 release and, as soon as it is ready, we will release the upgrade tool for the 10Plus version that we are developing and testing, so that you will be able to enjoy system updates until 2027 for the 10 release.

You can see the screenshots below:

We have restored the old versions of some packages, so the problem is solved

Failed updates

Sometimes Mintinstall fails to remove packages that are no longer required for installation.

This is due to powerless hardware or not to much ram. In particular cases we will have installed live-boot-initramfs-tools that it is read-only and prevent to use regular initramfs-tools and our updates, specially kernel.

To solve this issue open a terminal and type

sudo apt purge live-boot-initramfs-tools


Now you have to regenerate cache, with 'search new updates'. This will be fine, now.

Do not accept partial updates, it will be dangerous.

10_basic.1718179391.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/12 10:03 by team