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MINIMAL release for both 32/64 bit archs

Warning messages on boot

If the system shows these warning messages

mdadm: No arrays found in config file

mdadm: error opening /dev/md?*: No such file or directory

during startup you can fix it with these steps below:

  • Open a terminal
  • write this comand
    sudo update-initramfs -u
  • then press Enter

The warnings will no longer appear at the next start.

User live on login screen

Due to a typo on a third party software the live user is not present even though it is indicated on the login screen.

To remove it follow the steps below:

  • open a terminal
  • edit with root permission the file /etc/slim.conf
  • search the line with default user live
  • remove only the word live
  • save changes and exit

Now, form the next startup, the user “live” is not present in login screen.

minimal.1737706238.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/24 09:10 by team