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other_application [2022/01/11 09:25]
team [[[appimagepool|AppImagePool]]]
other_application [2024/11/29 17:32] (current)
Line 79: Line 79:
 ===== AppImagePool ===== ===== AppImagePool =====
-the following steps visible [[appimagepool|on this link]] will show you how to install AppImagePool on the Bergamo release.+The following steps visible [[appimagepool|on this link]] will show you how to install AppImagePool on Bergamo release. 
 +The procedure may be slightly different for Tropea release.  
 +===== TeXmacs ===== 
 +Texmacs is present on our repositories,​ however to install it on Roma and Portofino releases it is necessary to perform the following procedure due to the qt4 dependencies not present in the Devuan mother distro. 
 +We insert the right dependencies by adding the Debian 10 Buster repository: as administrator we open the file /​etc/​apt/​sources.list and add at the bottom: 
 +## Debian 10 Buster 
 +deb http://​​debian/​ buster main 
 +deb http://​​debian-security buster/​updates main 
 +deb http://​​debian/​ buster-updates main  
 +Let's save the changes. Let's start the Synaptic package manager. We remove the qt5 libraries that go against the qt4 by simply typing in the search box "​libqt5core5a"​ -> remove. It is likely that some applications that require qt5 will also be removed, eg. calamares, caliber, lyx ...  
 +At this point we act on "​Update"​ and always using the search box we type "​texmacs"​ -> install. The application will be installed carrying the correct dependencies back. 
 +At the end of the installation,​ we recommend opening the /​etc/​apt/​sources.list file again as administrator and disabling the debian 10 repository, simply by inserting the '#'​ symbol at the beginning of each line as below: 
 +## Debian 10 Buster 
 +#deb http://​​debian/​ buster main 
 +#deb http://​​debian-security buster/​updates main 
 +#deb http://​​debian/​ buster-updates main  
 +On the other releases, however, the Texmacs package can be installed using Synaptic without problems or workarounds. 
 +===== OpenSnitch desktop firewall ===== 
 +{{ :​opensnitch.jpg |}} 
 +We have included in the postinstall a desktop firewall called opensnitch including an interface in English and Italian languages. If you want install it, You may go on security category and select "​desktop-firewall-en"​ or "​desktop-firewall-it"​ and procede to install it. 
 +If the application does not satisfy you, You can remove it together with the related "​desktop-firewall-en"​ or "​desktop-firewall-it"​ package.  
 +===== Bauh ===== 
 +Bauh is an open source tool for managing packages and applications on GNU / Linux distributions,​ 
 +which mimics Windows Programs and Features. The supported formats are AppImage, Flatpak, 
 +Snap (not supported by UfficioZero) and native web applications. 
 +Pclinuxos from which we have derived ​the Bergamo ​and Cagliari versions have Synaptic as the only 
 +software manager, which remains the only method to manage .rpm packages. For appimmage we have long 
 +introduced the AppStore, while the flatpack and native web applications remained uncovered, so we 
 +introduced the Bauh tool that performs various activities such as uninstalling the selected app, 
 +showing the release ​history, ignoring updates or downgrading. 
 +To install Bauh you can use synaptic by putting in the search box "​installbauh",​ or from the terminal 
 +as administrator "​apt-get install installbauh"​. Once installed together with its dependencies the best 
 +procedure remains the terminal, always as administrator you type "​installbauh",​ pip3 will connect to 
 +python repositories and download the tool together with the necessary python3 dependencies,​ doing it  
 +from the terminal we will be sure of any errors. Once finished we will find Bauh in the "​Software Center"​ 
 +submenu. At the first start the tool will download the cache of some suggestions of installable applications,​ to install more operate on the icon with three lines. 
 +===== SLpct ===== 
 +To install SLpct go to Postinstall in the office category and first install the program installer called SLpct. 
 +Then find the installSLpct installer launcher in the menu and run it with one click, enter the root password when asked and select Java JRE 8 as the default Java version and then a program launcher will be created on your desktop. 
 +The SLpct package may need dependencies marked cie-middleware and openjdk-8-jre or openlogic-openjdk-8-jre which is completely normal. 
 +Many thanks to Dario Dieci of Alternativa Linux for acting as a tester for this application. 
 +===== Mastodon ===== 
 +To install and use mastodon on our releases please see [[mastodon|this How To]].
other_application.1641889506.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/11 09:25 by team