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In this section you will find information on releases that have reached the end of their life:

Ufficio Zero version 1.x First

Our project starts from an ubuntu LTS production enviroment (i386, x86_64) with custom packages. Then We build iso with bodhi builder, shared on our mirror server. Ufficio Zero Linux ver. 1.x must be considered a remix and not a different distro. If you want to read some how-to informations about Ufficio Zero codename “first” you can visit this internal link.

Support for this version has ended.

Roma 2.x Desktop x86

is based on Devuan Gnu/Linux 3 Beowulf and has Xfce4 DM. If you want to read some help how-to for this version, you can use this link

Support for this version has ended.

Mantova 2.x Desktop x86_64

is based on PCLinuxOS and has Mate DM. If you want to read some help how-to for this version, you can use this link.

Support for this version has ended.

end_of_life.1671533211.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/20 11:46 by team